106: Rose Garden Massacre
11 oktober 2020
President- och vice presidentdebatterna, Trump blir infekterad av Covid, Trumps deklarationer undersöks, en kidnappningskomplott mot Michigans guvernör, och den växande krisen med supergrisar.
Länkar och källor
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe - Poetry Foundation
The Masque of the Red Death - Wikipedia
Democrats see fundraising boom with wild Trump-Biden debate
Trump Tells Proud Boys To Stand By During Protests
“This Is So Unpresidential”: Notes from the Worst Debate in American History - The New Yorker
CNN fact-checked the 2020 presidential debate: “An avalanche of lying” by Trump - Vox
Trump’s Taxes Show Chronic Losses and Years of Income Tax Avoidance - The New York Times
Trump plans White House event before testing free of the coronavirus. - The Washington Post
President Trump tweets about Gov. Whitmer, Joe Biden responds with tweet - WEYI
Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot: Why Michigan is hotbed for armed groups